Charts are a way to share your forex charts and market analysis in real time with your fellow traders. Every change you do in the chart will be seen by your followers (they will also be notified by email).

Your forex charts are private by default and can be seen by others only if you publish it or share the chart’s private URL.
Publishing your chart will make it public to thousands of traders which can analyze, discuss and subscribe to your chart.
How do I share the chart with others?
Just copy the URL and share it with your fellow traders. If your chart isn’t published, the chart can’t be seen by anyone else without knowing the chart’s URL.
To share the chart with the Myfxbook community, publish the chart.
Is there a limit to the number of forex charts I can create?
No. You can add as many forex charts as you wish.
If you are a registered user, your forex charts are saved automatically to our servers. No matter if you’ve started your chart at your office, you can access it at the convenience of your home office and pick off from the same spot you’ve left it at.